Church Mutual blog

Webinar: Faith + Fitness

Written by Church Mutual | 3/08/2022

Faith leaders, have you seen how your physical state can affect your ability to spiritually lead? Are you physically exhausted, fatigued or weary? Maybe you had big goals for the year: sleep more, exercise more, eat better. How are you doing pursuing those goals? As a spiritual leader, it is easy to put off caring for your own body while you focus on soul work and the pulls of ministry. Nevertheless, you are a multifaceted being. When one aspect of your personhood is neglected or hurting, the other aspects of you are affected, too. Our interconnectedness is just one of many reasons why caring for our bodies is so important.

Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. (a stock insurer)ยน and Duke Divinity School hosted Faith + Fitness to help strengthen the body and soul connection of spiritual leaders. Led by two experts, we explored the foundational value of the body and practical ways to care for it.

You can view the webinar here:

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