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Don’t forget to protect your vacant buildings

If your organization owns a vacant building, it may pose a greater risk than you think. It’s true there are no people inside who need heat, and there may be few valuable items to protect from thieves. But extreme weather can wreak havoc on a building, deteriorating your property value and creating a mess that is difficult to clean up.

Here, Church Mutual lists some of the most common risks associated with an empty building—and how you can minimize any potential damage.

Risk: In colder weather, your pipes could freeze.

Solution: Even though the building is unoccupied, set your thermostat no lower than 55 degrees. While this protects the majority of the facility, it may not be enough for areas that can get especially cold. In these areas, add insulation sleeves or wrapping to all water lines or pipes. You should also insulate attic space and penetrations such as partition walls, vents and plumbing stacks.

Church Mutual offers a special piece of technology to its customers free of charge to prevent both frozen pipes and flooding. The CM Sensor® sends alerts when there is excess water in a given area or a significant drop in temperature. It provides 24/7 protection from frozen pipes and water damage, notifying you via text message, email or mobile app when it detects water or cold temperatures. CM Sensor® kits include:

  • A SmartBase, which receives information from the water leak and temperature sensors and alerts the designated contact person to an issue.
  • Water leak and temperature sensors, which should be placed in areas susceptible to localized water leaks or freezing temperatures.

Learn more about the CM Sensor®.

Risk: Critters or pests could invade your building, potentially causing extensive damage.

Solution: Use foam to fill cracks on exterior foundations, along window and door areas, in the siding, or in other seams where animals could potentially enter the structure. You can also use plastic window boxes to help keep ants and other insects from finding their way into the building.

Risk: Water intrusions could damage the interior of the building.

Solution: On a regular basis, check window and door frame caulking and make sure the thresholds are properly sealed. To prevent flooding caused by leaks, use the CM Sensor.

Risk: Intruders could vandalize your property.

Solution: Install one or two motion detection cameras on-site that you can monitor remotely from a computer or cellphone. Also, you can conduct weekly site security sweeps to look for anything that is amiss.

Enroll in the CM Sensor® program today.